“I would like to express my greatest gratitude for the care and kindness that you provided to me when visiting your clinic. When I came to you I was experiencing much fear and frustration after receiving a positive result for H. pylori bacteria from my annual checkup. My primary care physician prescribed to me a very strong antibiotic prescription for treatment which I refused to take in order to avoid side effects and antibacterial resistance. I wanted to take an alternative approach, one that would be gentle on my stomach, while also powerful and effective. I’ve always had confidence in Traditional Chinese Medicine and have whenever possible looked to it as a first line of treatment for health problems. This time, however, I had a little bit of doubt in herbal treatment at first since I was unsure if there were any particular and strong herbs that would be able to completely eradicate the bacteria out of my system in a short period of time. With your boundless knowledge and experience, you had reassured me that there are some wonderful herbal formulas that were capable of treating the bacteria and virus. I completely trusted in your professional expertise and gave it a try. I have never been so impressed with the treatment results that I received. Within a month of receiving your treatment of both acupuncture and herbal formulas, I have re-tested again and found that my system was now negative for H. pylori from the results! I am very happy with the outcome and I am glad that I came to you for your professional treatment and care. I’ve personally learned and witnessed many great benefits and gained much appreciation through this experience.
Thank you,